Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Reflections from the cool confines

My first and foremost passion has always been following politics, having been raised in a journalist's family. After moving to the states from India in the mid 90's, my attention naturally turned to US political scene. I have spent countless hours and nights, much to my wife's chagrin, browsing through and reading multiple newspaprers and magazines. I also enjoy watching the Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart shows, they are hilarious yet insightful.
My wife has been telling me for a while to put my "wide and shallow" knowledge, which I have put to use to lose friends in my community, to better use and blog about it. I didn't take it seriously as I have a private blog that I use as my personal diary and didn't want publicity for it. So, here I go, starting a new blogpost. Hope to write at least on a weekly basis although my second most passion is just being lazy!

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