Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mike Tyson tragedy

When I read the tragic story of Mike Tyson's little child's death, there was a moment of pause in my mind. Just to think of all the money (140 million at one time) he had earned and lost.... I mean how could one spend/lose that kind of money!. he claims he was cheated. could be true.
This also brought to me memories of some time I had spent in a tribal hill station in India, "Bili Giri Rangana Betta" as a part of my internship training in 1991-1992. One of the resident doctors there had a collection of books which I had borrowed. One of the books was a collection of short stories from the US, all written I believe in the beginning of the 20 th century. One of the stories was of a boxer, who much like Mike Tyson, boxes, earns and loses money, beats up his mother etc. I gusess names and circumstances may change but the core story doesn't change?

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